Donate Instruments

How It Works

Want to support a music program near you with donated musical instruments, supplies, or dollars? Here’s what to do:

Donate instruments to music class near zip code/address.

Visit Instruments in the Cloud

Go to Instruments in the Cloud, add your zip code or address, and click the ‘Donate Now’ button.

Filters shown on left and music programs are on right.

Choose Music Program

Use the filters to identify the instrument you'd like to donate and to find the type of music program you'd like to support.

Instrument donation screen preview


Once you've selected a program to support, fill out the donation form and click 'Donate Now'. This notifies the teacher that they should expect to receive a donation from you. You will also receive an email with a confirmation of your donation.

Filters shown on left and music programs are on right.

Deliver the instruments

Deliver the instruments or supplies to the music program using the directions on the donation confirmation page. Way to go!

Note: If you need to assess the value of the instrument, please visit an appraiser prior to donation.

Free Resource for Teachers

Instruments in the Cloud is a free resource that makes it easy for teachers to quickly communicate their classroom needs and gather community support for your music programs. Through Instruments in the Cloud, we aim to direct support your way through donated musical instruments, supplies, and dollars.

Please sign up to be the first to know when we open up registration so that we can highlight the music programs you’re building and growing.